The Best Litter Boxes for Multiple Cats

The Best Litter Boxes for Multiple Cats

Give your kitty gang a spacious, clean spot to do their business, and save yourself time and effort all at once by opting for the best litter box for multiple cats.

By Molly Wolfe April 18, 2023

If you’re lucky enough to have a troupe of kitties who call your house their home, you need to have the right setup to cater to their needs. This ranges from having enough cat bowls to go around, a great supply of yummy cat food, and of course, their potty situation. Yep, while in an ideal world, each cat would have their own litter box, sometimes this just isn’t possible; after all, not all of us have an entire room to dedicate to their kitties’ business, and several cat litter boxes can take up considerable floor space. Thankfully, you can pick up litter boxes for multiple cats, designed to offer space for all of your felines. We’ve rustled up a guide to the top picks here to help you shop.


Top Pick Foldable Cat Litter Box for Multiple Cats

Wide Entry Jumbo Foldable Cat Litter Box

Best Cat Litter Boxes for Multiple Cats to Consider

If you’re a proud cat owner, of multiple pets (the dream, right?), you know how important it is to have a cat litter box that can accommodate all of them. But with so many options for open litter boxes available in the market, how do you choose the right one? Fear not, we’ve got you covered. Here are some key features that you should look for in a cat litter box for multiple cats.

Firstly, size matters. A single litter box, that is too small will not be able to accommodate all your cats comfortably, leading to overcrowding and potential accidents. Look for a right litter box that’s spacious enough for all your feline friends to move around and do their business comfortably.

Secondly, consider the cat’s preferences for the type of litter box. Covered boxes can be great for reducing odor and keeping the litter contained, but they may not be ideal for cats who prefer an open space. Similarly, while self-cleaning boxes can be convenient, they may not be suitable for cats who are easily scared by the sound of the mechanism.

Thirdly, hygiene is crucial. A litter box that is not cleaned regularly can become a breeding ground for bacteria and cause health issues for your cats. Look for a traditional litter box that is easy to clean and maintain, preferably with removable parts that can be washed separately. It’s important to bear in mind you’ll be doing more scooping when you’ve got multiple cats, too.

Lastly, consider the number of entry points. A litter box with multiple entry points can be great for cats who are not fond of sharing, as it allows them to have their own space and privacy. Additionally, having one litter box with multiple entry points can prevent overcrowding and reduce the chances of accidents.

In conclusion, choosing the right cat litter box for multiple cats can be a daunting task, but keeping these features in mind can help you make an informed decision.

Foldable Cat Litter Box for Multiple Cats

If you’re seeking something ultra-modern, this cat litter box will take your fancy. Complete with a covered design, top and side entry, a cat litter scoop, and even a deodorizer filter to help you keep it spick-and-span, this large cat litter box is a great choice if you’ve got a posse of pussies at home. It’s super large and very private, so your cats can take it in turns doing their business in peace and quiet.

We like the pull-out litter drawer, too, making it easy to move cat waste and change up with fresh litter when necessary. And, of course, the covered design works wonders in reducing odors in your home.

Top Pick
Wide Entry Jumbo Foldable Cat Litter Box

Wide Entry Jumbo Foldable Cat Litter Box


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  • Pull-out drawer for easy litter replacement
  • Self-groomer on the side
  • Front and top entrance
  • Anti-tracking top


  • Great features come at a cost
  • Front door is entry-only which could be confusing

Jumbo Hooded Litter Box

Another extra-large cat litter box to consider, this one falls in the affordable end of the price spectrum. Featuring a front entry, anti-splashing shape, and a comfortable handle for easy cleaning and moving.

The enclosed design works like a charm to prevent those less-than-pleasant odors from permeating the rest of your home. Plus, the whole litter box takes just a few minutes to assemble, so you can have two cats in it up and ready in no time. All in all, this is a great cat litter box for multiple cats, and you can snap it up for a reasonable price.

Runner Up
Jumbo Hooded Litter Box With Scoop, Off White

Jumbo Hooded Litter Box With Scoop, Off White


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  • Enclosed style for odor-control
  • Large size
  • Includes litter scoop
  • Good value


  • No cons here

Petmate Cat Litter Box

This cat litter box is designed for larger felines—or, in fact, a few smaller kitties. We’ve placed it at the on our list due to its size and simple, straightforward design. Free of bells and whistles, this is a straight-up great litter box that’ll offer your kitty clan a spot to do their business. Easy to clean and easy to access for scooping purposes, this large litter box for multiple cats is a winner for us.

Great Value
Petmate Cat Litter Box

Petmate Cat Litter Box


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  • Super spacious design
  • Deep design to keep litter inside
  • Cheap and cheerful
  • Available in three sizes


  • No special features as such

Self Cleaning Litter Box

What better way for multiple cats to share a litter box than with self cleaning specs? With this litter box, you’ll never have to worry about more than one cat stepping in another’s mess, and you don’t have to do the work to make this reality.

The system uses crystal litter which also helps combat odor, which you may have more of with multiple kitties. While we see most cats love hooded or covered litter boxes for their cleanliness purposes, this open litter box makes it easier for cats to know when the restroom is free.

Best High-End
ScoopFree® Self-Cleaning Litter Box Second Generation

ScoopFree® Self-Cleaning Litter Box Second Generation


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  • Health tracker included
  • Covered trays for easy disposal
  • Self-cleaning
  • Litter scoop included


  • On the pricey side
  • Not covered

Richell Large Litter Box

Solid, sturdy, and long-lasting, this large litter box for multiple cats resists litter tracking off like a charm, is incredibly easy to clean, and features those all-important high sides to prevent spray and tracked litter going all over the place. Again, this is a simple and functional litter box without a huge amount of frills, but it more than does the job if you’re looking for something long-lasting and fuss-free.

Also Consider
Standard Litter Box with Scoop

Standard Litter Box with Scoop


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  • Included litter scoop
  • Easy access for cats
  • Easy to clean
  • Sleek and simple


  • No-frills
  • Not covered

Buying Guide

Buying a litter box for multiple cats comes with multiple challenges. You have to find something that makes every unique fur baby in your home happy. The first thing you need to keep in mind when buying is the size of the litter boxes. The cat’s litter box should be large enough to comfortably fit each cat, and give them space to separate their business.

With multiple cats, they can get picky about the cleanliness of the box. That’s why we recommend either a litter robot, or frequent cleaning of the box with a litter scoop. Many cats don’t like foreign smells in their litter area, so finding a box that will stay clean is crucial.

Lastly, look at the specs of the box. Is it an automatic litter box, is it an enclosed litter box, is it suitable for larger cats? All of these need to be at the front of your mind, along with the price, to ensure you are making a good choice for your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of litter box is best for multiple cats?

Ideally, you’ll find a large, covered litter box with multiple entry points. This type of litter box provides ample space for multiple cats to do their business without feeling cramped, and the cover helps contain odors and keep the area clean. Additionally, having multiple entry points means that cats won’t feel trapped or cornered, making them more likely to use the litter box consistently. Overall, investing in a spacious, covered litter box with multiple entry points is the best way to ensure that your multiple cats are comfortable and happy in their bathroom space.

Can multiple cats use the same litter box?

In an ideal world, each cat will have their own personal litter box. However, many of us simply don’t have the space for this; not to mention, it’d be quite a job cleaning out multiple litter boxes every day. So, as long as you choose a litter box that’s large enough, and you’re prepared to regularly scoop that poop and refill it with fresh cat litter, there’s no reason why your older cats and kitties can’t share a litter box.

How big should a litter box be for multiple cats?

If you’ve got two, three, or even four cats at home, you’ll need to make sure their litter box is large enough to accommodate them. That said, it’s unlikely your cats will opt to use their tray at the same time. Regardless of how much litter used, you need enough space so that cats may use their tray one after the other without treading on the poop or pee of others. So, while a litter tray for a single cat should measure about 1.5 times their size, you should multiply this by the number of cats you have to gauge a good size range for your new litter box.

How do I keep my litter box clean with multiple cats?

The main difference you’ll see when you’ve got multiple cats all using the same litter box, is the frequency at which you need to scoop. Cats won’t take kindly to using a litter box with another kitty’s mess still inside, and you may find they avoid the litter box if it’s already messy. So, you’ll need to stay on top of your scooping to ensure their litter box stays clean, hygienic, and appealing to your feline.


Since 2008, lovespets has served as a leading resource for millions of cat owners and pet lovers alike. Our goal is to give every cat and pet a happy, healthy home by providing owners with all information they need to be the best pet parents possible. Our experts share their insights and recommendations to make caring for your beloved pet a breeze.

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Like us, after a nourishing meal or refreshing sip, it isn’t long until nature calls for our cats. If your cats spend most of their time inside, or if you live in an apartment or building without outdoor access, you won’t want them improvising a toilet wherever they see fit. Litter boxes are a valuable tool for indoor cats. But, as anyone with experience will know, even the best-kept litter trays can smell foul from time to time. You don’t have to be resigned to living alongside the smell of cat nastiness, though. Take a look at some of these odor-control litter boxes and you could get the smell under control once and for all.

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Though our common domesticated cats are a little smaller than the wild, jungle-born-and-raised felines of old, they certainly love to flaunt their acrobatic flair by exploring up above. And luckily, if they stray too far, we know that they’ll always land on their feet. Cat trees offer indoor cats a stomping ground of their own, with plenty of feline-friendly treats like scratching posts, engaging cat toys, and soft cushions to enjoy along the way. If you’re looking for a design that will blend with contemporary interior designs, these sleek mid-century modern designs are sure to add to the vibe indoors.

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Though they may not show them while you shower them with affection, each and every cat hides a set of claws within their delicate paws. To keep them sharp in the wild, they’d rely on sharpening them against bark or plant fiber, but at home, nothing beats a cat scratcher (or perhaps a cat tree!). Introducing cat furniture to your home can sometimes disturb the delicate balance of design, though. What’s more, offering your four-legged friend a place to scratch could save your furniture from rips and tatters. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up a selection of versatile modern cat scratchers that look great and are sure to withstand some punishment in the process.

Discover The 5 Best Cat Litter Scoops Online Now
Discover The 5 Best Cat Litter Scoops Online Now

Cat litter scoops are an essential tool for any pet owner. After all, who wants to clean up a mess of cat feces every day? A good scoop can help make the process more efficient and less smelly. And let’s be honest – there is nothing glamorous about shopping for a new scoop. You may be thinking, “Come on—it’s just a scoop.” But it’s so much more than that. A scoop is actually one of the most important tools in your arsenal when dealing with cats and their waste management needs. If you choose the wrong one, it can mean hours spent cleaning up messes instead of cuddling up with your fuzzball for some binge-watching on a Friday night. But don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

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As cat owners, we are aware that our feline friends have their own particular preferences and habits. One of these quirks includes a particular way they like to eat. Enter elevated cat bowls, the greatest solution for mealtime. These cat bowls have been a topic of debate among cat owners, with some dismissing them as just another unnecessary trend. Well, we don’t think it’s a trend — far from it. You may be wondering why your cat needs an elevated bowl when animals have been eating off the ground for centuries. Research shows that raised feeders offer several benefits. These include improving digestion by reducing the strain on your kitty’s neck muscles while they eat. Moreover, elevating your cat’s food can also reduce instances of vomiting or regurgitation since gravity helps keep things moving in the right direction.

The 5 Best Litter Boxes For Hassle-Free Odor Control
The 5 Best Litter Boxes For Hassle-Free Odor Control

Messes and odors come with the territory of being a cat owner, but that doesn’t mean that they have to take over your whole living space. There are plenty of litter box designs on the market that help cut down on pesky odors so you can live at peace with your feline’s bathroom business. Whether you prefer a hooded-top litter box, a sifting pan design, or something a bit more technologically advanced, there’s no shortage of options for you to choose from. That’s why we’ve narrowed down the best of the best litter boxes for odor control to help you find the odor-control litter box that’s right for you.

The 5 Best Odor Control Litter Boxes For Stinky Kitties
The 5 Best Odor Control Litter Boxes For Stinky Kitties

Like us, after a nourishing meal or refreshing sip, it isn’t long until nature calls for our cats. If your cats spend most of their time inside, or if you live in an apartment or building without outdoor access, you won’t want them improvising a toilet wherever they see fit. Litter boxes are a valuable tool for indoor cats. But, as anyone with experience will know, even the best-kept litter trays can smell foul from time to time. You don’t have to be resigned to living alongside the smell of cat nastiness, though. Take a look at some of these odor-control litter boxes and you could get the smell under control once and for all.

The Best Litter Boxes for Multiple Cats
The Best Litter Boxes for Multiple Cats

If you’re lucky enough to have a troupe of kitties who call your house their home, you need to have the right setup to cater to their needs. This ranges from having enough cat bowls to go around, a great supply of yummy cat food, and of course, their potty situation. Yep, while in an ideal world, each cat would have their own litter box, sometimes this just isn’t possible; after all, not all of us have an entire room to dedicate to their kitties’ business, and several cat litter boxes can take up considerable floor space. Thankfully, you can pick up litter boxes for multiple cats, designed to offer space for all of your felines. We’ve rustled up a guide to the top picks here to help you shop.

The Best Cat Litter Boxes For Odor-Control To Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh
The Best Cat Litter Boxes For Odor-Control To Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh

Gone are the days we had to empty our cat’s little tray every time our cat finished their business. Yep—thanks to these litter boxes for odor control, you needn’t rush straight over to tackle those bad smells; the covered designs of these litter boxes keep those odors nice and contained until you get around to emptying it. Far more hygienic and a no-brainer if you’ve got young (and curious) kids in the house, investing in one of these closed litter boxes, is one of the best things you can do as an indoor-cat owner. Pair it with a great litter mat and some emergency urine and stain remover, and you’re all set. More straightforward and far more affordable than self-cleaning litter boxes, you’ll still need to manually empty these. That said, you can also pick up best litter boxes with self-cleaning designs if you’re willing to spend a little more. And if not? The enclosed shapes, doors, and odor-containing designs of self cleaning litter box mean those less-than-fragrant scents won’t permeate through your home, regardless. So, pick up one of the best cat litter boxes for odor-control today and reap the rewards.

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Whether you have a cat who likes to explore the neighborhood, you take your cat on frequent trips, or your cat is always trying to escape, having a cat tracker can ensure that you can find your furry friend even if they get out of sight. These trackers are a great alternative to cat microchipping that cost less and aren’t as invasive. They allow you to view your cat’s whereabouts in a wide range and locate them quickly if they stray too far. Let the adventure start now by adding one of the best cat trackers on Amazon to your cart.

The 5 Best Odor Control Litter Boxes For Stinky Kitties
The 5 Best Odor Control Litter Boxes For Stinky Kitties

Like us, after a nourishing meal or refreshing sip, it isn’t long until nature calls for our cats. If your cats spend most of their time inside, or if you live in an apartment or building without outdoor access, you won’t want them improvising a toilet wherever they see fit. Litter boxes are a valuable tool for indoor cats. But, as anyone with experience will know, even the best-kept litter trays can smell foul from time to time. You don’t have to be resigned to living alongside the smell of cat nastiness, though. Take a look at some of these odor-control litter boxes and you could get the smell under control once and for all.

The 5 Best Mid Century Modern Cat Trees For Stylish Felines
The 5 Best Mid Century Modern Cat Trees For Stylish Felines

Though our common domesticated cats are a little smaller than the wild, jungle-born-and-raised felines of old, they certainly love to flaunt their acrobatic flair by exploring up above. And luckily, if they stray too far, we know that they’ll always land on their feet. Cat trees offer indoor cats a stomping ground of their own, with plenty of feline-friendly treats like scratching posts, engaging cat toys, and soft cushions to enjoy along the way. If you’re looking for a design that will blend with contemporary interior designs, these sleek mid-century modern designs are sure to add to the vibe indoors.

The 5 Best Modern Cat Scratchers For Curious Claws
The 5 Best Modern Cat Scratchers For Curious Claws

Though they may not show them while you shower them with affection, each and every cat hides a set of claws within their delicate paws. To keep them sharp in the wild, they’d rely on sharpening them against bark or plant fiber, but at home, nothing beats a cat scratcher (or perhaps a cat tree!). Introducing cat furniture to your home can sometimes disturb the delicate balance of design, though. What’s more, offering your four-legged friend a place to scratch could save your furniture from rips and tatters. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up a selection of versatile modern cat scratchers that look great and are sure to withstand some punishment in the process.

Discover The 5 Best Cat Litter Scoops Online Now
Discover The 5 Best Cat Litter Scoops Online Now

Cat litter scoops are an essential tool for any pet owner. After all, who wants to clean up a mess of cat feces every day? A good scoop can help make the process more efficient and less smelly. And let’s be honest – there is nothing glamorous about shopping for a new scoop. You may be thinking, “Come on—it’s just a scoop.” But it’s so much more than that. A scoop is actually one of the most important tools in your arsenal when dealing with cats and their waste management needs. If you choose the wrong one, it can mean hours spent cleaning up messes instead of cuddling up with your fuzzball for some binge-watching on a Friday night. But don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

The 5 Best Elevated Cat Bowls to Benefit Overall Health
The 5 Best Elevated Cat Bowls to Benefit Overall Health

As cat owners, we are aware that our feline friends have their own particular preferences and habits. One of these quirks includes a particular way they like to eat. Enter elevated cat bowls, the greatest solution for mealtime. These cat bowls have been a topic of debate among cat owners, with some dismissing them as just another unnecessary trend. Well, we don’t think it’s a trend — far from it. You may be wondering why your cat needs an elevated bowl when animals have been eating off the ground for centuries. Research shows that raised feeders offer several benefits. These include improving digestion by reducing the strain on your kitty’s neck muscles while they eat. Moreover, elevating your cat’s food can also reduce instances of vomiting or regurgitation since gravity helps keep things moving in the right direction.